Ed Stutt, MSc, is a Principal Consultant at wca with 18 years experience as an environmental scientist working in academia and consultancy. His areas of expertise include the fate and transport of chemicals in the environment, contaminated land, human health risk assessment and the REACh regulatory regime. Ed has extensive experience in chemical risk assessment and worked for over 6 years on the UK contribution to the ICCA/OECD High Production Volume Chemicals programme.
In his time at wca he has undertaken extensive work on REACh and has been lead consultant for the European Catalyst Manufacturers Association, developing exposure scenarios and quantitative risk assessments for a variety of metals and metal compounds. He has undertaken impact assessment for socio-economic analysis in relation to an application for Authorisation under REACh on behalf of a major metal consortium and has worked on behalf of the UK Competent Authority to advise on the Restriction of several chemicals. Ed was a member of the project team that developed the Category 4 Screening Levels for risk assessment of contaminated land recently published by Defra and is wca Framework Manager for the Environmental Risk Assessment Services framework agreement with the Environment Agency.
Prior to joining wca Ed spent four years at SLR Consulting where he was primarily engaged in contaminated land risk assessment, working on sites impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons and heavy metals. In addition to undertaking assignments for local government and the private sector he contributed to several items of national technical guidance on human health and ecological risk assessment. Ed also worked for 6 years as a senior scientific officer and project manager at the Medical Research Council’s Institute for Environment and Health (IEH) and delivered projects for the Environment Agency, Defra and Food Standards Agency.
Ed has a BSc in Chemistry and an MSc in Environmental Biogeochemistry and has held research positions at Plymouth Marine Laboratory and with the University of Plymouth’s Petroleum and Environmental Geochemistry Group.