The ubiquity of unintentional human exposure to chemicals, via food, water, consumer products and household agents, as well as intentional exposure via therapeutic agents, continues to fuel growing concern regarding the potential health threats. wca combine expertise in human health risk assessment, toxicology, adverse outcome pathways (AOP), exposure and chemistry to solve novel problems.
The team comprises a broad spectrum of toxicological, testing and regulation expertise, in addition to expertise in alternative methods (in vitro, in silico, QSAR and read-across) and information gathering, data collection and management.
wca offers objective advice on the hazard and risk of chemicals and our staff of toxicologists, chemists, biologists and environmental scientists are experts in regulatory compliance. wca have been involved in several hundred successful registrations for the first major REACH registration deadlines in 2010, 2013 and 2018 as part of technical consortia for clients across a range of industries. We have expertise in all stages of REACH registration including literature reviews, data gap assessment including assessing the potential for read across and test derogations, test programme design, IUCLID entry, CSA/R production, PBT assessment, classification and labelling, PNEC and DNEL derivation and exposure assessment.
Example of project areas;
- Hazard characterisation and risk assessment of active ingredients
- Human Health risk assessment of biocidal products in various exposure scenarios including wild water swimming and ballast water management systems
- Toxicological Risk Assessment (TRA) for leachables and extractables in medical devices and for pharmaceutical contaminants
- Toxicity profile of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDD), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs)
- Extensive and systematic literature reviews
- REACH data gap analysis and data filling approaches
- Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR) and read across approaches, including preparation of read-across justifications in line with the Read Across Assessment Framework (RAAF) provided by ECHA
For enquiries or for further information on how we can help you, please contact us.