Representative substance identity profiles (SIPs) are required for demonstrating substance sameness and are used as the basis for assessing read across potential and for determining representative samples for testing of UVCB substances. As such, registrants must ensure that they provide clear and accurate substance identity information in their REACH dossiers. ECHA have indicated that substance identity is a particular focus when dossiers are reviewed, and this section is targeted in ECHA’s manual completeness checks, as complete substance identity information is crucial for evaluating other sections of REACH dossiers.
wca can help with providing advice on analytical methods for different substance types, commissioning and interpretation of analytical testing and development of SIPs. We can also advise individual registrants if they meet the SIP for a joint registration, and help to prepare the composition and analytical information sections of inquiry and REACH dossiers. Our highly skilled analytical chemists keep up to date with substance identity requirements under REACH and have helped with the development of SIPs for numerous complex substances.
If you would like support with substance identity requirements, please contact us.