In order to assess whether chemicals pose a risk to humans or the environment, risk assessment is a crucial part of the REACH process. This includes the derivation of predicted no effect concentrations (PNECs) and derived no effect levels (DNELs) as a way of assessing safe levels of a particular substance. Our staff have extensive experience of deriving these hazard thresholds under REACH and other regulatory regimes.
In addition to determining effect levels based on hazard data, an assessment of the exposure potential of a substance is also required under REACH. Exposure assessment is an iterative process, with conservative default values used to conduct a first tier assessment before including refinements in order to make the assessment more representative of actual conditions. At wca, we aim to have a detailed knowledge of how a substance is used so that the assessment represents realistic conditions, and this requires a collaborative approach with our clients. Our small company size allows us to be flexible and responsive, and to work with our clients to prepare representative risk assessments. We have experience with many different exposure modelling tools including CHESAR, EUSES, ECETOC TRA and higher tier modelling tools. You can learn more about our modelling capabilities by visiting the Modelling analysis section of our site. We have also managed environmental monitoring programmes to obtain measured environmental concentrations and further refine assessments.
If you would like to know more about our capabilities with risk assessment, please contact us.