Becky Brown, PhD, is a Principal Consultant and Director of wca. She is an environmental toxicologist with over 25 years of experience of delivering environmental fate and effects projects for customers from industry, academia and government. Becky leads in areas of weight of evidence assessments for endocrine disrupting (ED) chemicals and environmental risk assessments for pharmaceuticals under European Medicine Agency guidelines. Between 2003 and 2014, Becky was a project manager and study director at AstraZeneca’s contract research facility “Brixham Environmental Laboratory” where she managed projects involving the development of novel ecotoxicology life-cycle tests with molluscs and crustaceans and improved test methods for the risk assessment of antimicrobial substances. Since joining wca in 2014, she has focused on the risk assessment of active substances. Recent projects include technical support for a European Commission workshop aimed at prioritising new test methods for endocrine disruption, a literature review of the use of vitellogenin as a biomarker for endocrine disruption in fish and developing approaches for ED testing of more challenging substances. Becky has excellent knowledge of environmental regulation and has been a representative on international working groups in areas of scientific expertise including an ECETOC taskforce responding to the 2013 updated PBT criteria from Annex XIII of REACH and on an ILSI HESI expert group focused on understanding the risks associated with chemicals bioaccumulating in terrestrial environments. More recently she has acted as an industry representative at meetings relating to consideration of ED properties under REACH.