- Guidance on use of Soil Screening Values for the Environment Agency.
- Use of QSAR and read across for developing Environmental Quality Standards for the European Commission.
- Development of an alternative sample analysis for FEPA licensing for Defra.
- Assessment of water quality components of Environmental Statements for various clients.
- Case study to develop tools and methodologies to deliver an ecosystem-based approach for Defra.
- Assessment of aquaculture Environmental Quality Standards for the Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum.
- Probabilistic modelling of Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Dissolved Oxygen concentrations in English and Welsh watercourses as a result of road drainflow for Safecote Limited.
- Organisation and chairing of a policy workshop on soil carbon loss for Defra.
- Organisation and chairing of a technical workshop on terrestrial ecological risk assessment for the Environment Agency.
- Critique of Water Framework Directive Annex X Environmental Quality Standards for Water UK and Euro Chlor.
- Development of Water Framework Directive Annex VIII Environmental Quality Standards for the Environment Agency.
- Probabilistic risk assessment of distillery accidents for SEPA under the COMAH regulations.
- Development of a framework for implementing sediment quality guidelines by the Environment Agency.
- Development of soil screening values for the Environment Agency.
- Development of a framework for environmental and health standards for the Environment Agency.
- Scoping study on the effects of climate change on environmental and human health standards for the Environment Agency.
- Development of Environmental Quality Standards for dioxins and priority substances for Defra in collaborative project with WRc-NSF.
- Critique of proposed sediment Environmental Quality Standards under the Water Framework Directive for the Environment Agency.
- UK case study on probabilistic risk assessment for aquatic organisms for DEFRA.