Mark Yoxon, BSc, FRSA, PGCE, Dip.Training Mgmt., AIEMA, FCIPD has over 28 years worldwide experience as a trainer, conference organiser and speaker, author and broadcaster on environmental issues, facilitation and stakeholder dialogue. Mark is Environment Council trained in facilitation and stakeholder dialogue and a founder member of the Bedford & Milton Keynes consensus building network. He led theINFORM team which received a national certificate of excellence from the Institute of Public Policy Research / Guardian newspaper for stakeholder dialogue and facilitation work for Milton Keynes Council.

Publications include “Successful Environmental Management in a week”; “Profit from Environmental Management”; “The Green Training Manual”; “Profit from Environmental Management – Web Version”; The trainer’s guide for SEPA waste management training. “Managing Waste- a business guide” & “CD-ROM – Wicked Waste”; “Installing Environmental Management Systems” 3rd edn.; EARTHSCAN, “Engaging with people in your organisation” chapter for Environmental Management in Organisations, The IEMA Handbook, 1st & 2nd editions, EARTHSCAN; and the BSi course “Implementing Environmental Management”.

Mark has worked with numerous organisations from small businesses to EU policy initiatives and served on the CBI’s Environment Working Group which produced the Guidelines for the Production of Environmental Education Materials for Schools and Environmental Education & Training – Guidelines for Business. He has co-ordinated business focused environmental training and facilitation for various client groups and served on an EC/DGXI working group. The groups’ recommendations were put to the Council of Ministers. He is an accredited trainer for BSi & IEMA and has run training trainer’s programmes and ISO14001 / ISO14063 courses worldwide.