Harvey J. E. Rodda, PhD is a director of Hydro-GIS Ltd with over 20 years postgraduate experience in research and consultancy in the public and private sectors in the UK and overseas. He graduated in Environmental Science from Lancaster University and completed his PhD in the Department of Geography, Exeter University in 1993 in the field of water quality modelling. Dr Rodda started his career in consultancy at NIWA (The National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd) in New Zealand from 1994-98, where he undertook a number of projects for the dairy and fertiliser industries. Through this work he developed catchment scale water quality models and pioneered the application of GIS for hydrological modelling in New Zealand. On returning to the UK, he moved from water quality to flood related studies, firstly working for Risk Management Solutions leading the development of a UK flood risk model for use in the insurance sector. Between 2001 – 2004 as a principal hydrologist for Peter Brett Associates (consulting civil engineers), he led a number of flood related projects including Section 105 flood risk mapping for the Environment Agency, the development of flood risk models for the Czech and Slovak Republics, flood risk assessments, and specialist hydrology and water quality modelling studies. In September 2004 he founded Hydro-GIS Ltd, and has since continued working within the private sector, particularly in insurance where he has developed flood risk models for Scandinavia and much of Central and Eastern Europe. He also is a visiting lecturer at University College London, Department of Earth Sciences, contributing a flood module to the Geophysical Hazards MSc course.