November 22, 2022 by Graham Merrington
Adam and Graham helped run a meeting in the margins of SETAC North America, Pittsburgh on “Implementing Approaches to Account for Metal Bioavailability in Freshwaters: Current Status and Future Look”.
This meeting provided an opportunity for understanding where others are in the journey towards delivering successful implementation of metal bioavailability approaches and also what are some of the most important difficulties and how those are being tackled. The meeting included short presentations from Chris Cooper of IZA, David DeForest of Windward, Kathryn Gallagher from the US EPA, Lisa Golding of CSIRO in Australia, Ali Azizishirazi from the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy and Chris Schlekat of NiPERA. The topics covered the importance of implementing bioavailability, tiered approaches, challenges, and bottlenecks in implementation, and crucially approaches and lessons for delivering successful uptake of the approaches, that including targeted outreach programmes, the use of look up tables to reduce complex model use and visual aids like short videos.
We are working to produce a Debates, Dilemmas, and Discoveries note for publication in IEAM, as an output from the meeting.
From our blog
December 19, 2024 by Rhiannon Smith